Yoni Soap Recipe: All Natural Vaginal Soap

Ok, ladies. We’ve all heard the varying opinions and old wives’ tales about how to—or whether to—clean our lady parts. What’s right? What’s wrong? Is soap an enemy or a friend? Choosing the right natural soap for feminine hygiene is key to maintaining a healthy balance.
As a natural soap maker, I get these questions all the time and I hear you. Taking care of your lady parts is an important task as that area does some pretty important things :). So let’s get real about how to care for your yoni.
Do I need to wash my yoni?
The question of the century first requires the answer to another question: what is a yoni? When we say words like vagina, lady parts, or yoni, we mistakenly use them interchangeably. The vagina is actually our canal the body, where the lady parts we’re referencing when we say yoni are the labia, vulva, and clitoris. These are the parts you should be washing because they have the same characteristics as the rest of the skin on your body. Water does the job as well, but preferably a natural soap helps, especially if you’re already washing the rest of your body with it. So I encourage you to use a full-body soap that is sensitive enough not to irritate your lady parts. Opting for a yoni soap recipe that uses natural ingredients can be beneficial.
What type of soap should I use for my yoni?
Aswith all your body cleansing habits, getting it “right” starts with choosing the right soap. I have a list of recommendations for varying reasons, but they all have one very important common denominator: they don’t include synthetic fragrances as an ingredient. None of the soaps we make at Herb’N Eden are made with synthetic fragrances because they can contain irritating ingredients that it’s not safe for continuous use on any part of your body, much less an area as sensitive as your lady parts. We did a video on this a while back [Episode 3] to explain the difference between synthetic fragrances and essential oils, which is what we use in Herb’N Eden soaps. Our all natural vaginal soap options are crafted with care to suit your needs.
Some essential oils can be irritating as well in heavy concentration, but there are still a lot of essential oils that are safe to use on your lady parts.
Yoni-friendly soaps at Herb’N Eden
Rosewater Kefir & Lavender because it’s always soft soothing and calming
geranium. also Rosewater Kefir is a probiotic. - Coconut and kaolin clay, which is great for sensitive skin
- Oatmeal honey, which is unscented and an exfoliant thanks to the oatmeal. Oatmeal is also a natural cleanser and honey is antibacterial
- Chamomile and calendula, both antibacterial and antiseptic herbs as well as soothing and gentle
- Rosemary and lavender soap, which also has lavender, bergamot, geranium, and lemon essential oils
- Tea tree and Tumeric because tea tree is antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial. It’s ideal if you're dealing with issues like you know yeast infections bacterial vaginosis or any kind of disorders that could be causing irritation.
These options are perfect if you are looking for natural soap for women that is gentle yet effective.
In summary...
Soaps with herbs like wrap red raspberry leaf, calendula, lavender, roses, and chamomile are gentle for the yoni and provide the same nutrients your skin absorbs. I can’t stress enough how important it is to read your soap labels and check for any synthetic ingredients that you might not recognize because those can be irritants.