4 Reasons To Take Cold Showers To Improve Your Skin

1. Tones the pores
Cold showers have a toning effect on your pores. As a tonic it aids the restoration and maintenance of skin tissue. This gives a vitality to the skin reversing the effects of aging.
2. Hot water dries your skin
Often people say their soap dries them out, but most of time its the hot water. Hot water can leave your skin dry, and lets be honest a lot of us take "hour showers" under scorching hot water. Heavy metals such as flourine and chlorine are present in the water stripping the skin of their natural oils. This is a time when your pores are open and subject to the toxicity of the toxins in the water.
3. Improves circulation
Cold showers invigorate the bloodstream and if taken daily the blood flows regularly. Proper blood circulation restores even color to the skin and reduces breakouts.
4. Uplifts the mood
Cold showers not only invigorate the bloodstream but your overall mood. This leads to reduced stress which will reflect onto your skin giving you a natural glow.
The Challenge
Preparing yourself to take a cold shower is no easy thing. We challenge you to take 7 days of all cold showers! If that's too much, but you're still interested, we challenge you to start with a hot shower and turn the water to cold when you rinse off your soap. This is a great balance for your skin and rejuvenates your whole being.
Cold showers will improve your skin and your mentality. Starting your day with a cold shower is a great way to wake up and take on the day. Start to notice the changes after 7 days of cold showers and incorporate what works best for you. Remember to be patient with natural care and you will receive the results you are looking for.