3 soap recommendations for treating acne

First things first, what is acne?
Acne is the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin. It's a condition characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent among teenagers. The first keyword phrase in that definition is inflamed or infected sebaceous glands.
To get to the root of the problem we must treat the sebaceous glands first. The sebaceous gland is a small gland in the skin that produces sebum, the natural oil our skin needs to lubricate the skin and hair. That's where the acne happens. If the sebaceous glands are infected or inflamed, the sebum is blocked and acne appears.
I wanted to give you the back story on acne first, so we can not only offer you soaps for the acne but educate at the same time. Here are our 3 soap recommendations to fight acne.
Tea Tree & Tea Turmeric
Our Tea Tree & Turmeric is by far our top recommended soap for acne. We call it the medicinal bar because of the tea tree essential oil that is in it. Tea Tree oil contains terpinen-4-ol which has antimicrobial properties. When applied to the skin it destroys the skin inflaming bacteria which causes acne. Not to mention that it also has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that prevent acne. The biggest thing tea tree does is that it deeply penetrates the skin unblocking the sebaceous glands
Turmeric contains curcumin which gives turmeric its yellow color. It is responsible for giving turmeric its antiseptic, anti-cancer, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties. All of these properties will greatly reduce your acne if not get rid of it all together.
Rosemary & Lavender
Rosemary essential oil reduces inflammation associated with acne. Paired with lavender essential oil, which has anti-microbial properties, this soap will make you feel confident and relaxed knowing that it is healing with every use.
Lemongrass & Patchouli
Lemongrass & Patchouli is my absolute favorite bar. What makes the Lemongrass & Patchouli soap a top bar to treat acne is the lemongrass essential oil. Lemongrass has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. And just like it's cousin the lemon, it also has antiseptic properties as well.
Acne can be frustrating, but the solution is as simple as switching to products made with natural ingredients. Purchase a bar today and notice the difference.